This is exactly what Gwen Stefani was meant to do — according to Gwen Stefani.
On Wednesday night during a concert in West Palm Beach, Florida, the pop singer made one adorable boy's night by bringing him up on stage after learning he had been bullied for years.
In a video of the moment, Stefani accepts a sign from the audience and reads it aloud: "My son was bullied from first to fifth grade."
"What?!" she says.
The sign goes on to say Stefani's music was the only thing that seemed to cheer the boy up when he came home from school.
"Get up here right now!" she insists, and the boy is handed up to the front.
He's clearly overwhelmed by being singled out before his idol, and we think we would be too.
Things were a little calmer when the two met backstage later.
Aww! Who could resist that face? (And Stefani is looking pretty adorable, too.)
Nice work, Gwen!

What a night for Gwen Stefani and a young fan.
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